Southland Sports News

It was a great night for Cycling Southland at the annual Cycling New Zealand awards dinner in Auckland last night.
Steve Canny received a Services to Cycling award, in acknowledgement of his involvement in the construction of the SIT Zero Fees Velodrome and his unwavering and dedicated service to not only Cycling Southland but cycling in NZ.
The 60th anniversary race of the SBS Bank Tour of Southland was named event of the year – an awesome recognition of the work that goes in to running the annual event and the fantastic efforts of Bruce Ross, Pam and the family, as well as the dozens of volunteers who give up their time to ensure it remains the premiere road cycling race in the country.
The premiere award of the night, the Malayan Cup, was awarded to the world champion and Olympic silver medalist team sprint trio of our Eddie Dawkins, Sam Webster and Ethan Mitchell (who collected it on the boys’ behalf).
A fantastic effort and well deserved by all recipients.