One person involved in a multiple-vehicle crash in Central Otago has been taken to hospital.

Emergency services were notified around 7:15am of the crash just west of Roaring Meg on Kawarau Gorge Road.

A heavy motor vehicle had come to the end of a slow-vehicle bay, and a van had stopped suddenly to let it out.

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These two vehicles have continued on, but six following vehicles have collided in nose-to-tails.

The injured man was in the last of those six vehicles, a ute, and was taken to Dunstan Hospital with suspected neck injuries.

His condition is thought to be moderate to serious.

Others involved have received minor bumps and bruises.

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The road was down to one lane for a time with the assistance of Fire and Emergency NZ, and roading contractors.

Four vehicles were towed from the scene.

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The road conditions at the time were good, with no ice on the road.

This is a reminder for motorists to ensure they are aware of their following distances, as it appears following too closely has been a contributing factor in this crash.

Remember to follow the “two-second rule” – ensuring a minimum of two seconds between your vehicle and the one in front.

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