Southlanders who need to drop off household rubbish accumulated during Alert Level 4 can do so from today (Tuesday April 28) as transfer stations throughout the region reopen under Alert Level 3.

Senior waste officer Donna Peterson said restrictions and procedures would be put in place to keep everyone safe.

Facilities will be opening for reduced hours (excluding Invercargill and Te Anau), and customer numbers will be limited in the drop-off areas to allow for physical distancing.
It was also important that people kept the basic principles of Alert Level 3 in mind – to stay home unless travel was essential.

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“We ask that residents only use the transfer stations if absolutely essential,” Ms Peterson said.

Usual charges will apply at all transfer stations, but payment must be made via Eftpos. No cash or tokens would be accepted.

Customers would also be able to dispose of garden waste but were being asked to wait a week due to the expected lengthy delays. Alternatively, you can put still put your garden waste in your red rubbish bin. Kerbside recycling and rubbish collections would continue as normal.

What using the transfer stations will look like under Alert Level 3:

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  • One person per vehicle to limit the number of people on site: we are required to record customer details so they can be contact-traced if necessary.
  • Staff will direct customers and limit vehicles in the disposal areas to allow physical distancing to be maintained.
  • Fees will still apply.  Card payments only (no cash, no tokens).
  • At the Gore transfer station, there will be no charge for garden waste.
  • The second-hand goods sheds will remain closed.
  • Customers should expect delays and be patient – it will be busy.  If possible, wait a week.
  • If traffic queues start to cause a traffic hazard on neighbouring roads, you will be asked to leave and return later.

When are the transfer stations open under Alert Level 3?

The below transfer stations’ hours will commence from Tuesday, April 28, 2020.  No facilities will be open on Monday, April 27, due to Level 4 and observance of ANZAC Day.

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Transfer station

Opening hours


Saturday  11am to 2pm


Tuesday 28 April and Wednesday 29 April – 10:30am to 5pm

Thursday, Friday, Saturday 1pm to 5pm

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 1pm to 5pm


Monday to Saturday 8am to 5.30pm

Sunday 9am to 5.30pm


Thursday 4pm to 5.30pm


Tuesday 10am to 12noon


Monday 3pm to 5pm

Te Anau

Monday to Sunday 2pm to 4pm


Friday 12.30pm to 5:30pm


Wednesday 3pm to 5pm

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