City Centre businesses and retailers have chosen 32 artworks from the city’s art collection for a pop-up exhibition in the central city that will run from 24 August until 8 September.

The exhibition is the brainchild of Invercargill Public Art Gallery staff (formerly known as Anderson Park Art Gallery), with the two aims of creating an arts attraction in the CBD that shows key works from the city’s art collection, and working with retailers to increase visitors to the central city.

Josie-Hibbs_The-Water-Tower_1988-(1)Photo: Josie Hibbs, The Water Tower (1988) oil on canvas

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The pop-up exhibition will be held in an empty retail space at 5 Don Street, owned by the Invercargill Licensing Trust. The ILT is assisting with sponsorship and the project has also received a grant from the Creative Communities Scheme.

The exhibition, entitled Central Exchange, is co-curated by Invercargill Public Art Gallery Manager/Curator Stephen Davies and Assistant Manager Claire Baker, along with representatives of 53 retailers and businesses in Invercargill’s CBD.

Art Gallery staff selected 90 artworks – approximately 8% of the City’s extensive art collection – and each participating business was asked to choose just one from the images of art provided.

The businesses had a wide range of artworks to choose from – artworks created by local artists about Southland people and environments, to nationally and internationally renowned works, such as an etching by Rembrandt (1656).

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“We reinforced that there was no right or wrong response. By involving local retailers and businesses in the curating process, we have had the opportunity to look at the collection differently and take on board the reasons for their choices. This has helped us to better understand the relevance of the collection to Invercargill today”, Claire Baker explains.

The exhibition will be opened with a public event starting at 5:30pm on 23 August at 5 Don Street, the pop-up exhibition space. Central Exchange will be open daily (FREE entry) from 24 August until 8 September, 10am–5pm (weekends 10am – 4pm). A series of public events will be held alongside the exhibition to provoke conversation about art in Invercargill City.

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Invercargill Public Art Gallery pop-up exhibition event – FREE
Monday 29 August, 5:30-6:30pm

Quickfire interviews with participating businesses
Representatives of participating businesses will be asked how they feel about their choice of artwork after seeing it ‘in the flesh’ in the exhibition.

Invercargill Public Art Gallery pop-up exhibition event – FREE
Saturday 3rd September, 3-4pm

“Future of art in Invercargill” panel discussion
People who will be invited to participate will include, the Mayor and Councillors, retailers and businesses and arts professionals.

Invercargill Public Art Gallery pop-up exhibition event – FREE

Date: Monday 5 September, 5:30-6:15pm
Talk by Invercargill Public Art Gallery curators
Curators Stephen Davies and Claire Baker will talk about the ideas behind the exhibition, how it was produced and what they’ve discovered with the participating businesses’ help.

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