The Invercargill Public Library is inviting one and all to attend its Showcase Party.

Open to the public from 4pm on Friday, 19 July, everyone will have a chance to celebrate the newly refurbished Library building, and mark 30 years since the Library moved to its Dee Street location.

The festivities will begin with a blessing from Library Kaumatua Michael Skerrett followed by a ribbon cutting by His Worship the Mayor Sir Tim Shadbolt.

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There will be cake, live music and a series of free events. Get hands on with Library equipment including robots, a virtual reality setup and 3D printer.

Digital & Communications Manager Bonnie Mager said staff were excited to share the fresh new space with the community.

“The Library will be filled with a range of fun events for all ages. The night is aimed to showcase the facilities, equipment and staff expertise, but most importantly, for the public to come and have some fun,” she said.

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