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Southland mental health services are struggling with staff shortages, as the need for specialist mental health support increases. Across the country there’re vacancies for 650 full-time mental health workers. In Southland alone, our hospital desperately needs a mental health clinical psychologist, a
Opinion and fun commentary. We are three large mayoral polls in now and from the start Nobby Clark has lead all three, with Toni Biddle and Marcus Lush trailing in the last two polls. From the start Sir Tim Shadbolt has not been in the running trailing in 5th place behind Darren Ludlow. Below I […]
It’s not likely to be a very happy Christmas for Southern Institute of Technology staff and students, as uncertainty looms over the future of the organisation, jobs and courses. It’s appalling that staff and students are living in this information vacuum, but it’s even worse that Te Pūkenga manageme
by Penny Simmonds MPIt’s not likely to be a very happy Christmas for Southern Institute of Technology staff and students, as uncertainty looms over the future of the organisation, jobs and courses. It’s appalling that staff and students are living in this information vacuum, but it’s even worse that Te Pūkenga manageme
Southland mental health services are struggling with staff shortages, as the need for specialist mental health support increases. Across the country there’re vacancies for 650 full-time mental health workers. In Southland alone, our hospital desperately needs a mental health clinical psychologist, a
Opinion and fun commentary. We are three large mayoral polls in now and from the start Nobby Clark has lead all three, with Toni Biddle and Marcus Lush trailing in the last two polls. From the start Sir Tim Shadbolt has not been in the running trailing in 5th place behind Darren Ludlow. Below I […]
3 Waters Reform: The next step towards ultimate Centralism. Opinion piece by Ian Pottinger. Localism vs Centralism: Localism involves the shifting of power and decision making back to citizens and their communities. The opposite of localism is centralism and NZ is currently the most centralised coun
Update: We have added below responses from Nobby Clark (in italics) backing up a number of points raised by Peter. The named councillors Kett called out in his opinion piece, ran to Stuff’d and tried to smear him, but never offered any details correcting alleged inaccuracies in his opinion piece. Re
Opinion: Here is my blunt but fun thoughts on our latest city council poll. And don’t forget to 1. Vote Mike for ILT, 2.Keep a look out for more Mike & About. Another council poll completed and a pattern is emerging. Comparing the two polls we see that the top six have not changed with […]
A teacher used to say to me “ failure plus excuses is not the same thing as success”. If she had added “and Planning is not the same thing as doing” then she would have captured the performance of Council perfectly. A single example, Anderson Park, demonstrates that. How can it take eight years to [
During this time, I have seen many changes, both good and bad. There have been many highs and a few lows. Unfortunately, the current council and their performance in recent years would have to be a major one of those lows. My wife and I have two teenage daughters who have called Invercargill home a