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Hundreds of our city folk made for Invercargill train station to catch a blast from the past. The crowds came to see a working steam locomotive with passenger carriages roll into Invercargill as part of a South Island length tour to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War 1. The 100 year old
On Saturday MotherNature played the Christmas grinch raining all day and causing the postponement of the Santa Parade, luckily Sunday turnt out to be the perfect day and Southlanders got out in the thousands to watch the parade. We have photos of most the floats getting setup in Gala street and some
We were lucky enough to get behind the scenes on Gala street where all the pre parade action and preparations were going on. Great turn out of floats and fans.
More from Saturdays Southland Santa Parade a wide variety of floats were on show and Santa also made an appearance along with Mayor Tim. There were bikes and motorbikes.