Health & Fitness

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Southern DHB Promotes Immunisation Throughout One’s Life
Southern DHB Promotes Immunisation Throughout One’s Life
Health & Fitness   -   May 09, 2018

Southern District Health Board (SDHB) is promoting the importance of immunisation throughout one’s life, including shingles and influenza immunisation for those aged 65 and older, and immunisation for all pregnant women. SDHB medical officer of health Dr Keith Reid says that as people got older, the

Southern DHB Welcomes New Dunedin Hospital Site Announcement
Southern DHB Welcomes New Dunedin Hospital Site Announcement
Health & Fitness   -   May 04, 2018

The site of the New Dunedin Hospital gives Southern DHB the flexibility to meet today’s healthcare challenges and the needs of future generations, Commissioner Kathy Grant says. The Ministry of Health today confirmed the billion-dollar-plus hospital will be built across two central city blocks: the

Life-Saving Bowel Screening Programme Starts
Life-Saving Bowel Screening Programme Starts
Health & Fitness   -   Apr 29, 2018

A bowel cancer survivor, the mayor of Dunedin and Southern DHB’s commissioner are among those encouraging everyone who is eligible to participate in the National Bowel Screening Programme, launched for the Southern district this week. Their voices joined those of Southern health staff, NGOs and comm

40 years of Nursing at Southern Institute of Technology Celebrated (Video)
40 years of Nursing at Southern Institute of Technology Celebrated (Video)
Health & Fitness   -   Apr 29, 2018

On Thursday 26 April a celebration of 40 years of Nursing was held at Southern Institute of Technology (SIT). The Nursing department welcomed graduates and staff who have walked the halls and been a part of the SIT nursing experience throughout the past 40 years back to campus to share afternoon tea

The Healthier Choice Making Food Selection Easier in Cafes
The Healthier Choice Making Food Selection Easier in Cafes
Health & Fitness   -   Feb 20, 2018

A new café initiative is making it easier for people to make healthier choices when it comes to their food. Healthy Families Invercargill has teamed with local cafes on the Healthier Choice concept – a simple label system which allows cafes to easily let their customers know which of their foods is

Play Time Designed to Foster Healthier Lifestyles
Play Time Designed to Foster Healthier Lifestyles
Health & Fitness   -   Jan 18, 2018

A playful initiative is aiming to create lifelong healthy habits for young Southlanders. Let’s Play Southland is the result of a collaborative effort between Healthy Families Invercargill, ILT Stadium Southland, Early Childhood Education, Murihiku marae and various health organisations. The concept,

Southland Hospital ED Issue Heat Advice
Southland Hospital ED Issue Heat Advice
Health & Fitness   -   Jan 16, 2018

Drink plenty of water, apply sunscreen and cover up, and don’t spend too long in the sun. This is the message from Southland Hospital’s Emergency Department, following a spate of heat-related presentations in the past day. Southlanders have arrived at the emergency department with affects from faint

Long Serving Enrolled Nurse Retires After 39Years & 355 Days
Long Serving Enrolled Nurse Retires After 39Years & 355 Days
Health & Fitness   -   Nov 28, 2017

Southern DHB last week farewelled long-standing and highly valued staff member Philippa Sinclair. Staff from the Assessment Treatment and Rehabilitation Unit at Southland Hospital gathered to say goodbye to Philippa on Friday who retired after a massive 39 years and 355 days as an Enrolled Nurse wit

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