

Latest Articles 210 Articles
Fonterra, NZX and EEX Enter GDT Partnership for Future Growth
Fonterra, NZX and EEX Enter GDT Partnership for Future Growth
Business   -   Feb 21, 2022

Fonterra has agreed a strategic partnership with New Zealand’s Exchange (NZX) and the European Energy Exchange (EEX) to each take ownership stakes in Global Dairy Trade (GDT) alongside the Co-op. Subject to the approval of Boards, clearance from European or any other relevant competition law authori

Marathon Shearing Effort Nets $130,000 for Charity Hospital
Marathon Shearing Effort Nets $130,000 for Charity Hospital
Farming   -   Feb 15, 2022

Organisers are thrilled with the support they received during a shearathon that has raised money for the Southland Charity Hospital. The hospital is the brainchild of the late cancer care advocate Blair Vining and his wife, Melissa, who wanted better cancer care for all New Zealanders. Last weekend,

Southland Fashion Business Produced Entirely In New Zealand
Southland Fashion Business Produced Entirely In New Zealand
Business   -   Feb 04, 2022

A new jersey range is being launched this weekend adding style and value to New Zealand’s wool industry. This Saturday, Kate MacDonald will launch her business Davaar & Co, taking wool from her family property and producing homespun-style woollen jerseys. The entire product range is being manufactur

Eight-year Dream Comes True For Amy-Lee At Lumsden
Eight-year Dream Comes True For Amy-Lee At Lumsden
Farming   -   Jan 18, 2022

Once one of the most prolific winners in New Zealand woolhandling, Amy-Lee Ferguson has ended an eight-year drought by winning the New Zealand Longwool Championships Open final at the Northern Southland Community Shears on Friday. As Amy-Lee Ruki, from Invercargill, she was Shearing Sports New Zeala

Farmers Give Fonterra’s Flexible Shareholding Structure Green Light
Farmers Give Fonterra’s Flexible Shareholding Structure Green Light
Farming   -   Jan 05, 2022

Fonterra shareholders have today given the Co-operative’s new capital structure proposal the green light with 85.16% of the total farmer votes in support of the proposal. The final votes on the capital structure proposal were cast at a Special Meeting in Invercargill early this afternoon. Chairman P

Southland Rural Support Chair Appointed onto National Council
Southland Rural Support Chair Appointed onto National Council
Farming   -   Dec 12, 2020

We are very excited to announce, our Southland Chair, Cathie Cotter has been successful in being appointed as a member of the National Council of Rural Support Trusts (RST). Cathie replaces Gavan Herlihy from the Otago Rural Support Trust. Southland Rural Support Coordinator Lindsay Wright says, “It

Survey Confirms Value of Farm Environment Plans
Survey Confirms Value of Farm Environment Plans
Farming   -   Dec 12, 2020

Recently released fantastic survey results from farmers in the Aparima catchment in Southland confirm the value of farm environment plans, Invercargill MP and National’s associate Agriculture spokesperson Penny Simmonds says. The survey was of 151 dairy and sheep and beef farmers in the Aparima Comm

Surfing for Farmers Starts This Week
Surfing for Farmers Starts This Week
Farming   -   Dec 08, 2020

The first sessions have been confirmed for in the evening starting this Thursday 10 December and then again on Thursday 17th December 2020 from 6pm. The Surfing for Farmers was initiated by Bayleys Gisborne Country salesperson Stephen Thomson, a long-time surfer who puts himself more in the “average

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