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This is an official message from the Civil Defence Controller Simon MappUpdate – Bluecliffs state of emergency – #2 Emergency Management Southland continues to coordinate efforts in response to the declared state of emergency for the Bluecliffs community. Related: Southland Declares Local State of E
In response to increasing erosion threatening homes and a landfill in Bluecliffs, Southland District Mayor Rob Scott declared a local state of emergency at 10:50 am on Thursday 8th February. The declaration enables Emergency Management Southland to address the risk to life and property effectively.
Environment Southland has decided to take urgent steps to protect Waituna Lagoon, an ecologically important area, from severe environmental damage. They plan to use emergency powers under the Resource Management Act to mechanically connect the lagoon to the ocean. This move is crucial to address a d
There’s an important health alert for those near the Waihopai River, specifically at the dam upstream of Queens Drive. Environment Southland’s latest checks have found dangerous levels of toxic algae in this part of the river. Katie Blakemore, a senior scientist with Environment Southland, warns tha
Murihiku Southland’s environmental champions were celebrated yesterday at the 27th Environment Southland Community Awards in Invercargill. Environment Southland chairman Nicol Horrell said we are delighted to acknowledge and celebrate the positive work that’s going on in our communities across the r
A further six Ngāi Tahu kākāpō have been released at Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari in Waikato following the successful settling in of four kākāpō earlier this year. Around 100 people gathered to welcome the second batch of translocated kākāpō before they were released into the 3400ha protected fo
Dr Seethal Sivarajan, Environmental Management Tutor from Southern Institute of Technology with the support of microplastics research hub members, Dr Christine Liang, Karen Luttrell and Rani Fernandez, recently presented ongoing microplastics research on an international stage. More than 750 people
The freshwater farm plan regulations announced by the Government as part of their Essential Freshwater package in 2020 have been finalised and made public today. Both Southland and Waikato will be the first regions to roll out these regulations. The regulations will apply in the Aparima and Fiordlan