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Environment Southland is seeking feedback on options to protect our vulnerable toheroa, a native surf clam, from the impacts of vehicles on Oreti Beach. It has been estimated that vehicles increase mortality in young toheroa by at least 23%. To protect the current population and hopefully increase t
Work has begun to develop a fit-for-purpose beverage container return scheme for New Zealand. Associate Environment Minister Eugenie Sage made the announcement at the WasteMINZ conference in Hamilton on 25th September. Such a scheme would would see plastic bottles carry a refundable deposit, for exa
Environment Southland’s summer water monitoring programme is about to get underway – here’s how you can check in each week to see how our most popular swimming spots are faring. The first samples for the year have been taken and, for most sites, results will be available each Friday until the end of
Southland’s environmental champions have been recognised at the 24th Environment Southland Community Awards in Invercargill tonight. There were 30 nominees representing all corners of the region. Those recognised by the awards were: Woodlands Full Primary School – Environmental Action in Education –
Otatara Landcare Group (OLG) in Southland has just celebrated its 20th year and two other impressive milestones: OLG’s total volunteer effort has reached 15,000 volunteer hours and 30,000 locally grown native plants have now been planted at its flagship restoration project at Bushy Point! So how did
The future for kākāpō could look more fertile thanks to advancements in Artificial Insemination (AI). This breeding season three female kākāpō were successfully inseminated using AI technology, resulting in two chicks. This is the first time that AI has been successful in kākāpō in more than a decad
Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage made the announcement today in Tuatapere, Southland, and said it would be “a fantastic addition” to the network. “The track provides access to a spectacular southern coastline and forests, dramatic alpine tops and historic viaducts. “Hump Ridge offers the walker
A further discovery of the invasive seaweed Undaria pinnatifida (Undaria) at a new site in Fiordland is disappointing, but should not be seen as an opportunity to give up trying to control the marine pest within the area. Divers on a joint agency compliance trip discovered one mature Undaria plant a