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The Water Shortage Direction put in place two weeks ago to halt irrigation in the region will expire tonight. Following a review today, Environment Southland will not extend this. The Direction was issued on 31 March. It was aimed at protecting the extremely low river and aquifer levels in Southland
Environment Southland has begun consultation on a proposed plan change to the Regional Coastal Plan which will see temporary new measures put in place on commercial surface water activities in Fiordland. The increasing pressure these activities are having on the highly valued Ata Whenua Fiordland ar
The Water Shortage Direction issued yesterday has been amended to exclude the water takes from the upper Mataura River catchment where the serious temporary shortage of water is less critical, at this time. The area that is being excluded from the water shortage direction is the part of the Mataura
Environment Southland has taken the unprecedented step of issuing a Water Shortage Direction covering the whole of Southland. The direction, which will initially be in place for 14 days, directs that irrigation water takes are required to cease immediately. Environment Southland chief executive Rob
All of the Southland District is now in a prohibited fire season, effective as at 6am Tuesday 29 March. This means there is a total fire ban in Southland, and all permits are suspended until further notice. Southland District Manager, Julian Tohiariki says the extended dry weather conditions, curren
Update from Environment Southland Water Shortage Direction Amendment The Gore District Council is moving to level 2 water restrictions for Gore and Mataura, effective immediately. Level 2 restrictions include: Residents can water vegetable gardens, using any method, between 7:00am – 9:00am or 7:00pm
Water restrictions have been introduced throughout Southland district. Low rainfall in Southland district since before Christmas has depleted the levels of Southland rivers, streams, aquifers and lakes. To conserve water, unattended sprinklers or hoses are not allowed to operate anywhere on Southlan
Department of Conservation Ecologist Brian Rance believes he’s found a new plant species high in the Livingstone Mountains of Southland and is thrilled by the implications of the rare find. The discovery was made during an expedition at the end of January, when Brian was assisting Te Papa scientist