Southland Police have released a map of resent burglaries in town and advising to make sure you car and garages, sheds etc are secure. Also keep a look out for people of suspicion.


Burglaries in Invercargill – The attached map shows burglaries from mid April-mid June 2015. There have been 15 in total.

The targets are unlocked/insecure garages, all left insecure.

  • bikes
  • gardening equipment
  • scooters
  • unlocked cars
  • etc

The burglaries are occurring during the daytime and the night- a spread of both.

  1. Increased message for security at home with sheds vehicles etc to be locked.
  2. If anyone sees a crime in progress- call 111.
  3. If any one has information this can be treated confidentially 0508 Crimestoppers or Police 03 211 0400.
  4. If any suspicious vehicles are seen- write down the registration and report to the Police.
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