Linzi Turner is ready for some interesting feedback now that her book “Are our superfoods silently killing us?” has been published.

But she’s totally expecting people to question the book and the medical reports when they read about how some superfoods and low GI foods are toxins.

“People become quite bewildered when you say that eating superfoods is actually robbing your body of the very vitamins and minerals your body needs for strong bones, healthy muscles and teeth.”

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Linzi has always been interested in natural health foods, but in 2015 she suffered a massive brain aneurysm and a stroke which completely paralysed her for some time until she could use her left side again.

After endless months research she found a report from the 1930s stating different medical events and diseases that people suffered due to eating these so called superfoods.

She realises that people will make up their own mind, but it became very clear to her once she read all the information.

Being a keen cook, Linzi has always made her own food from scratch but learned that not all foods are created equal.

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“It wasn’t easy to accept that we have been led quite literally, up the garden path for many years.”
Now I make other choices, and look after my gut, to avoid bloating and leaky gut syndrome. I have lots of energy now and enjoy every day to the max,” she said.

Linzi has helped friends with her new way of eating, and would be happy to guide others make alternative choices by leaving spinach on the shelf, and changing a few fresh produce items to make a dramatic effect on positive health and mental wellbeing.

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Linzi’s book is packed full of information that will help people with a range of health conditions to get their lives back on track.

There is a section on all ailments and diseases plus a section with all of the food values to calculate food intake for the day.

Linzi is now working on a second book of some of her recipes and guides so that you too can wake up every day with vitality and purpose!

To find out more go to her new website and look for “Are our superfoods silently killing us?” You can also take advantage of a book launch discount of 20% when you type the word “gratitude” into the promo cells.

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