Blair Vining, 38, has bowel cancer and was given just weeks to live following his diagnosis in October last year.

He has been ticked items off his bucket list and shared his journey with his 15,000 Facebook followers.

One of those goals was starting a petition calling on the government to set up a National Cancer Agency.

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It’s been signed by more than 130,000 people, and at his Final Farewell party on Saturday, he handed a suitcase filled with signatures to National MPs Hamish Walker and Michael Woodhouse.

You can sign the petition here

Mr Vining joined First Up and told Indira Stewart that the party had been a blast.

“It was a very moving night with a lot of laughter and a lot of crying, and a lot of crying because people were laughing so much.

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“It was a really beautiful night.”

Vining said the bucket list was a way to leave positive memories for his children of the times they had as a family.

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He said he’s disappointed that the government promised better cancer care but was yet to deliver. He hoped the petition would show how much support was out there.

You can sign the petition here

Source: republished by arrangement.


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