
The Southern Crafters Market is back on again this weekend for its first show in 2020.
Traditionally the market was held twice a year at ILT Stadium Southland, but the committee decided to cancel its July one after Covid-19.
President Wayne Melville said there would be 184 sites at the market this weekend – including 10 new stallholders.
“We aim to have quite a variety of different things,” he said.
Last year around 10,000 people came through the doors and, in the past five years they have added additional seating, as well as a food court – to make it more relaxing for visitors.
“We have huge numbers coming through,” he said.
Established more than 20 years ago, the Southern Crafters Market was originally set up in the old Army Drill Hall.
With 70% of the stallholders local and the rest from all over the country, Wayne said there was a strict criteria for getting into the market.
“We only accept quality stallholders – they have to send us photos of what they do. We don’t just accept anybody.”
The market is on both days this weekend and will offer Christmas shopping at its best.