
A teacher used to say to me “ failure plus excuses is not the same thing as success”. If she had added “and Planning is not the same thing as doing” then she would have captured the performance of Council perfectly. A single example, Anderson Park, demonstrates that. How can it take eight years to [

During this time, I have seen many changes, both good and bad. There have been many highs and a few lows. Unfortunately, the current council and their performance in recent years would have to be a major one of those lows. My wife and I have two teenage daughters who have called Invercargill home a

Invercargill has been home for 45 years and am passionate about Invercargill and its residents – I want to see our community thrive. We’re in a critical period of change, I want to be part of that process to leave a legacy for future generations. For 16 years I’ve run a successful business, which I’

Rick Murrell brings a real passion and drive for the South, with 30 years of business experience in Invercargill. His governance experience includes, Director of New Zealand Motor Trade Association (2005 – 2012), Director of Motor Trade Investments (2010 – 2012) and New Zealand President/Chairperson