Mike Sanford
Opinion and review, note I am also standing for ILT, Mike. Here are our first ILT poll results, with indication similar to City council & Mayoral polling there looks like a time for change on the ILT board. With President Alan Dennis stepping down and not re standing its maybe got people thinking it
Saturday September 3rd 2022, 4.35pm kick off, Rugby Park Stadium. SBS Bank Southland Stags. Paula Latu – Woodlands Sam Stewart – Star Morgan Mitchell – Star Caleb Aperahama – Woodlands Josh Bekhuis – Star Grayson Knapp – Star Matt James – Woodlands Blair Ryall – Sydenham Jay Renton – Invercargill Bl
On 31 August 2022, South Port was granted resource consent by Environment Southland for project Kia Whakaū. Kia Whakaū is a project to dredge and remove seabed materials to 9.7m chart datum (CD) in the harbour entrance channel, 10.7m CD in the Island Harbour berth basins, and 9.45m CD in the swingin
Police have arrested a further two men, aged 18 and 23, in relation to two ram raids on Monday 15 August, one on Dee Street and the other business Found My Way on Windsor Street. These arrests are in addition to an 18-year-old taken into custody last week. Both men are due to appear in […]
Revitalisation in Manapouri is scheduled to go ahead early September 2022. The project includes replacement of the Manapouri boat ramp and adjacent gabion wall, a new jetty, an upgrade of View Street car park and Otta seal application on Fraser’s Beach Road. Southland District Council project manage
After a hiatus of more than two years, Southern Institute of Technology (SIT), in collaboration with Pacific Island Advisory & Charitable Trust (PIACT), has brought their Pasifika Open Night back, providing the local Pasifika community with an event to inform them on education and training opportuni
The Government’s draft Better Work Action Plan for the tourism workforce released earlier this month is a shining example of this Government’s inability to prioritise the real issues which face many businesses in my Southland electorate, says local MP for Southland, Joseph Mooney. “Everywhere I go,
Police would like to hear from anyone who witnessed a robbery on Crinan Street Sunday evening. At around 6.30pm a man entered a dairy on Crinan Street and demanded money from the shop attendant. The man then left on foot, heading east towards Ness Street with a quantity of cash, pouches of tobacco a