Joseph Mooney MP

Joseph Mooney MP's Work 2 Articles
David Parker Must Delay Winter Grazing Regulations
David Parker Must Delay Winter Grazing Regulations
Farming   -   Sep 08, 2022

The Government is about to pile up to $100 million of unnecessary compliance costs onto farmers because its freshwater regulations are more than a year overdue, National’s spokespeople for Agriculture and Water, Barbara Kuriger and Joseph Mooney, say. “Under Environment Minister David Parker’s regul

Joseph Mooney MP – Op-Ed – What’s in store for us in Budget 2022?
Joseph Mooney MP – Op-Ed – What’s in store for us in Budget 2022?
News   -   May 10, 2022

On Budget Day, 19 May, we’ll hear what Labour plans to do with around $6 billion a year in new operating spending, plus a few billion more in capital. This is when we will hear how the Government plans to use our hard-earned taxes to ensure our country gets back to prosperity. Inflation is the […]

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