Statement from Environment Southland compliance manager Donna Ferguson:

A full and thorough investigation has been carried out following an accident between a recreational boat and rowing skiff on the Jacobs River Estuary in Riverton in July.

The investigation was undertaken by an investigator at Environment Southland, after the case was handed on from Maritime New Zealand.

The investigation has determined that the skipper of the recreational boat breached Maritime Rules Part 22 and Southland Regional Council Navigation Safety Bylaw 3.12 relating to prevention of a collision. The skipper has been issued with an infringement under the Maritime Transport Act. Due to the public interest in this case, we sought additional legal review of the outcome to ensure its robustness.

While the skipper of the recreational boat has received an infringement in this case, the harbourmaster has also been supporting the Riverton Rowing Club as they take proactive steps to improve their health and safety practices.

This was an accident that impacted all of those involved, not least of all the young victim who suffered serious injuries and faces a long recovery. Our thoughts are with them all.

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