It was our clubs privilege to have Lindsay Hazely QSM, as our guest speaker at our meeting of 31 October and an absolute pleasure to recognise his 52 years of service as a specialist in the field of Herpetology with a Paul Harris Fellowship*.

Lindsay outlined his involvement in the development of the Tuatara rehabilitation programme at his work place, the Southland Museum and the remarkable success of the breeding programme. That he also shared with us some of his personal experiences and thoughts was very poignant.

We are thrilled that we have awarded Lindsay with a PHF in recognition of his ‘Service above Self’ in our Southland Community. He is very special man.

* Rotarians associate the naming of a Paul Harris Fellow as a tribute to a person who has demonstrated a shared purpose with the educational and humanitarian objectives of The Rotary Foundation. This recognition is named after Rotary’s founder, the late Paul Harris, a Chicago lawyer, who started Rotary with three business associates in 1905. A world of goodwill and better understanding came closer to reality because the Rotary Club of Invercargill North has made a gift to The Rotary Foundation so that Lindsay Hazely can be named as a Paul Harris Fellow.

In being presented with a Paul Harris Fellow recognition Lindsay joins a remarkable company of people throughout the world, all recognised for their commitment to ‘Service above Self’ to benefit local and international communities.

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